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--SYSTEM表空间不足的报警 登录之后,查询,发现是sys.aud$占的地方太多。 SQL> select owner, segment_name, segment_type, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 space_m from dba_segments where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM' group by owner, segment_name, segment_type having sum(bytes)/1024/1024 >= 20 order by space_m desc ; 4 5 6 7 OWNER SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE SPACE_M -------- ------------------------------- ------- SYS AUD$ TABLE 4480 SYS IDL_UB1$ TABLE 272 SYS SOURCE$ TABLE 72 SYS IDL_UB2$ TABLE 32 SYS C_OBJ#_INTCOL# CLUSTER 27 SYS C_TOID_VERSION# CLUSTER 24 6 rows selected. SQL> 查看是哪个记得比较多。 col userhost format a30 select userid, userhost, count(1) from sys.aud$ where ntimestamp# >=CAST(to_date('2014-03-01 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) group by userid, userhost having count(1) > 500 order by count(1) desc ; 再继续找哪天比较多。 select to_char(ntimestamp#, 'YYYY-MM-DD') audit_date, count(1) from sys.aud$ where ntimestamp# >=CAST(to_date('2014-03-01 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and userid = 'xxxx' and userhost = 'xxxx' group by to_char(ntimestamp#, 'YYYY-MM-DD') order by count(1) desc ; select spare1, count(1) from sys.aud$ where ntimestamp# between CAST(to_date('2014-03-10 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and CAST(to_date('2014-03-11 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and userid = 'xxxx' and userhost = 'xxxx' group by spare1 ; select action#, count(1) from sys.aud$ where ntimestamp# between CAST(to_date('2014-03-10 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and CAST(to_date('2014-03-11 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and userid = 'xxxx' and userhost = 'xxxx' and spare1 = 'xxxx' group by action# order by count(1) desc ; 结果如下: ACTION# COUNT(1) ---------- ---------- 101 124043 100 124043 SQL> 其实是上次打开的audit一直没有关闭。 关闭: SQL> noaudit session; 清空: truncate table sys.aud$; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 实战 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --1,查询表空间占用情况 select dbf.tablespace_name as tablespace_name, dbf.totalspace as totalspace, dbf.totalblocks as totalblocks, dfs.freespace freespace, dfs.freeblocks freeblocks, (dfs.freespace / dbf.totalspace) * 100 as freeRate from (select t.tablespace_name, sum(t.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 totalspace, sum(t.blocks) totalblocks from DBA_DATA_FILES t group by t.tablespace_name) dbf, (select tt.tablespace_name, sum(tt.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 freespace, sum(tt.blocks) freeblocks from DBA_FREE_SPACE tt group by tt.tablespace_name) dfs where trim(dbf.tablespace_name) = trim(dfs.tablespace_name) --2,查看哪里占的比较多 SYSTEM 为step1中查询 tablespace_name 内容 select owner, segment_name, segment_type, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 space_m from dba_segments where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM' group by owner, segment_name, segment_type having sum(bytes)/1024/1024 >= 20 order by space_m desc --3,查看是哪个记得比较多 count(1) 越大,说明占得比较多 select userid, userhost, count(1) from sys.aud$ where ntimestamp# >=CAST(to_date('2014-03-01 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) group by userid, userhost having count(1) > 500 order by count(1) desc --4,再继续找哪天比较多 userid userhost 为上一步查询内容 select to_char(ntimestamp#, 'YYYY-MM-DD') audit_date, count(1) from sys.aud$ where ntimestamp# >=CAST(to_date('2015-03-01 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and userid = 'userid' and userhost = 'userhost' group by to_char(ntimestamp#, 'YYYY-MM-DD') order by count(1) desc ; select spare1, count(1) from sys.aud$ where ntimestamp# between CAST(to_date('2016-03-10 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and CAST(to_date('2016-12-11 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and userid = 'userid' and userhost = 'userhost' group by spare1 ; --spare1 为上一步查询内容 select action#, count(1) from sys.aud$ where ntimestamp# between CAST(to_date('2016-03-10 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and CAST(to_date('2016-12-11 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AS TIMESTAMP) and userid = 'userid' and userhost = 'userhost' and spare1 = 'Administrator' group by action# order by count(1) desc --5,关闭seeion noaudit session; --6,清空: truncate table sys.aud$;
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3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。
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