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方法 1: 使用 CreateTableDef 方法
CreateTableDef 方法可创建链接表。 若要使用此方法, 创建一个新模块, 然后以下 AttachDSNLessTable 函数添加到新模块。
复制代码 代码如下:
'//Name : AttachDSNLessTable
'//Purpose : Create a linked table to SQL Server without using a DSN
'// stLocalTableName: Name of the table that you are creating in the current database
'// stRemoteTableName: Name of the table that you are linking to on the SQL Server database
'// stServer: Name of the SQL Server that you are linking to
'// stDatabase: Name of the SQL Server database that you are linking to
'// stUsername: Name of the SQL Server user who can connect to SQL Server, leave blank to use a Trusted Connection
'// stPassword: SQL Server user password
Function AttachDSNLessTable(stLocalTableName As String, stRemoteTableName As String, stServer As String, stDatabase As String, Optional stUsername As String, Optional stPassword As String)
On Error GoTo AttachDSNLessTable_Err
Dim td As TableDef
Dim stConnect As String
For Each td In CurrentDb.TableDefs
If td.Name = stLocalTableName Then
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete stLocalTableName
End If
If Len(stUsername) = 0 Then
'//Use trusted authentication if stUsername is not supplied.
stConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" & stServer & ";DATABASE=" & stDatabase & ";Trusted_Connection=Yes"
'//WARNING: This will save the username and the password with the linked table information.
stConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" & stServer & ";DATABASE=" & stDatabase & ";UID=" & stUsername & ";PWD=" & stPassword
End If
Set td = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(stLocalTableName, dbAttachSavePWD, stRemoteTableName, stConnect)
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append td
AttachDSNLessTable = True
Exit Function
AttachDSNLessTable = False
MsgBox "AttachDSNLessTable encountered an unexpected error: " & Err.Description
End Function
若要调用 AttachDSNLessTable 函数, 请代码, 它类似于之一以下代码示例在 Autoexec 宏中或启动窗体 Form_Open 事件中: "authors", "authors", "(local)", "pubs", "", "") "authors", "authors", "(local)", "pubs", "", "") Then '// All is okay. Else '// Not okay. End If End Sub向 Access 数据库添加多个链接表时 注意 您必须调整编程逻辑。
若要调用 CreateDSNConnection 函数, 请代码, 它类似于之一以下代码示例在 Autoexec 宏中或启动窗体 Form_Open 事件中: "(local)", "pubs", "", "") "(local)", "pubs", "", "") Then '// All is okay. Else '// Not okay. End If End Sub注意 此方法假定通过使用 " myDSN " 作为 DSN 名称, 您已经创建链接 SQLServer 表 Access 数据库中。
请 CreateTableDef 方法, 有关访问下列 Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web 站点: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A289.asp (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A289.asp)有关 RegisterDatabase 方法, 请访问以下 MSDNWeb 站点: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A2EA.asp (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A2EA.asp)
CreateTableDef 方法可创建链接表。 若要使用此方法, 创建一个新模块, 然后以下 AttachDSNLessTable 函数添加到新模块。
复制代码 代码如下:
'//Name : AttachDSNLessTable
'//Purpose : Create a linked table to SQL Server without using a DSN
'// stLocalTableName: Name of the table that you are creating in the current database
'// stRemoteTableName: Name of the table that you are linking to on the SQL Server database
'// stServer: Name of the SQL Server that you are linking to
'// stDatabase: Name of the SQL Server database that you are linking to
'// stUsername: Name of the SQL Server user who can connect to SQL Server, leave blank to use a Trusted Connection
'// stPassword: SQL Server user password
Function AttachDSNLessTable(stLocalTableName As String, stRemoteTableName As String, stServer As String, stDatabase As String, Optional stUsername As String, Optional stPassword As String)
On Error GoTo AttachDSNLessTable_Err
Dim td As TableDef
Dim stConnect As String
For Each td In CurrentDb.TableDefs
If td.Name = stLocalTableName Then
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete stLocalTableName
End If
If Len(stUsername) = 0 Then
'//Use trusted authentication if stUsername is not supplied.
stConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" & stServer & ";DATABASE=" & stDatabase & ";Trusted_Connection=Yes"
'//WARNING: This will save the username and the password with the linked table information.
stConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" & stServer & ";DATABASE=" & stDatabase & ";UID=" & stUsername & ";PWD=" & stPassword
End If
Set td = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(stLocalTableName, dbAttachSavePWD, stRemoteTableName, stConnect)
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append td
AttachDSNLessTable = True
Exit Function
AttachDSNLessTable = False
MsgBox "AttachDSNLessTable encountered an unexpected error: " & Err.Description
End Function
若要调用 AttachDSNLessTable 函数, 请代码, 它类似于之一以下代码示例在 Autoexec 宏中或启动窗体 Form_Open 事件中: "authors", "authors", "(local)", "pubs", "", "") "authors", "authors", "(local)", "pubs", "", "") Then '// All is okay. Else '// Not okay. End If End Sub向 Access 数据库添加多个链接表时 注意 您必须调整编程逻辑。
方法 2: 使用 DAO.RegisterDatabase 方法
DAO.RegisterDatabase 方法可在 Autoexec 宏中或启动表单中创建 DSN 连接。 尽管此方法不删除对 DSN 连接, 要求它不帮助您通过代码中创建 DSN 连接解决问题。 若要使用此方法, 创建一个新模块, 然后以下 CreateDSNConnection 函数添加到新模块。'//Name : CreateDSNConnection
'//Purpose : Create a DSN to link tables to SQL Server
'// stServer: Name of SQL Server that you are linking to
'// stDatabase: Name of the SQL Server database that you are linking to
'// stUsername: Name of the SQL Server user who can connect to SQL Server, leave blank to use a Trusted Connection
'// stPassword: SQL Server user password
Function CreateDSNConnection(stServer As String, stDatabase As String, Optional stUsername As String, Optional stPassword As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo CreateDSNConnection_Err
Dim stConnect As String
If Len(stUsername) = 0 Then
'//Use trusted authentication if stUsername is not supplied.
stConnect = "Description=myDSN" & vbCr & "SERVER=" & stServer & vbCr & "DATABASE=" & stDatabase & vbCr & "Trusted_Connection=Yes"
stConnect = "Description=myDSN" & vbCr & "SERVER=" & stServer & vbCr & "DATABASE=" & stDatabase & vbCr
End If
DBEngine.RegisterDatabase "myDSN", "SQL Server", True, stConnect
'// Add error checking.
CreateDSNConnection = True
Exit Function
CreateDSNConnection = False
MsgBox "CreateDSNConnection encountered an unexpected error: " & Err.Description
End Function
注意 如果再次, 调用 RegisterDatabase 方法 DSN 更新。若要调用 CreateDSNConnection 函数, 请代码, 它类似于之一以下代码示例在 Autoexec 宏中或启动窗体 Form_Open 事件中: "(local)", "pubs", "", "") "(local)", "pubs", "", "") Then '// All is okay. Else '// Not okay. End If End Sub注意 此方法假定通过使用 " myDSN " 作为 DSN 名称, 您已经创建链接 SQLServer 表 Access 数据库中。
请 CreateTableDef 方法, 有关访问下列 Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web 站点: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A289.asp (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A289.asp)有关 RegisterDatabase 方法, 请访问以下 MSDNWeb 站点: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A2EA.asp (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/office97/html/output/F1/D2/S5A2EA.asp)
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