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Function CheckCardId(e)
arrVerifyCode = Split("1,0,x,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2", ",")
Wi = Split("7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2", ",")
Checker = Split("1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1", ",")
If Len(e) < 15 Or Len(e) = 16 Or Len(e) = 17 Or Len(e) > 18 Then
CheckCardId= "身份证号共有 15 码或18位"
CheckCardId = False
Exit Function
End If
Dim Ai
If Len(e) = 18 Then
Ai = Mid(e, 1, 17)
ElseIf Len(e) = 15 Then
Ai = e
Ai = Left(Ai, 6) & "19" & Mid(Ai, 7, 9)
End If
If Not IsNumeric(Ai) Then
CheckCardId= "身份证除最后一位外,必须为数字!"
Exit Function
End If
Dim strYear, strMonth, strDay
strYear = CInt(Mid(Ai, 7, 4))
strMonth = CInt(Mid(Ai, 11, 2))
strDay = CInt(Mid(Ai, 13, 2))
BirthDay = Trim(strYear) + "-" + Trim(strMonth) + "-" + Trim(strDay)
If IsDate(BirthDay) Then
If DateDiff("yyyy",Now,BirthDay)<-140 or cdate(BirthDay)>date() Then
CheckCardId= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
If strMonth > 12 Or strDay > 31 Then
CheckCardId= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
CheckCardId= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
Dim i, TotalmulAiWi
For i = 0 To 16
TotalmulAiWi = TotalmulAiWi + CInt(Mid(Ai, i + 1, 1)) * Wi(i)
Dim modValue
modValue = TotalmulAiWi Mod 11
Dim strVerifyCode
strVerifyCode = arrVerifyCode(modValue)
Ai = Ai & strVerifyCode
CheckCardId = Ai
If Len(e) = 18 And e <> Ai Then
CheckCardId= "身份证号码输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
End Function
response.write CheckCardId("528337194801020025") '''''''''这个不知是谁的身份证,我一试就出来了~~~~~~~~~哈哈
Function CheckCardId(e)
arrVerifyCode = Split("1,0,x,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2", ",")
Wi = Split("7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2", ",")
Checker = Split("1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1", ",")
If Len(e) < 15 Or Len(e) = 16 Or Len(e) = 17 Or Len(e) > 18 Then
CheckCardId= "身份证号共有 15 码或18位"
CheckCardId = False
Exit Function
End If
Dim Ai
If Len(e) = 18 Then
Ai = Mid(e, 1, 17)
ElseIf Len(e) = 15 Then
Ai = e
Ai = Left(Ai, 6) & "19" & Mid(Ai, 7, 9)
End If
If Not IsNumeric(Ai) Then
CheckCardId= "身份证除最后一位外,必须为数字!"
Exit Function
End If
Dim strYear, strMonth, strDay
strYear = CInt(Mid(Ai, 7, 4))
strMonth = CInt(Mid(Ai, 11, 2))
strDay = CInt(Mid(Ai, 13, 2))
BirthDay = Trim(strYear) + "-" + Trim(strMonth) + "-" + Trim(strDay)
If IsDate(BirthDay) Then
If DateDiff("yyyy",Now,BirthDay)<-140 or cdate(BirthDay)>date() Then
CheckCardId= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
If strMonth > 12 Or strDay > 31 Then
CheckCardId= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
CheckCardId= "身份证输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
Dim i, TotalmulAiWi
For i = 0 To 16
TotalmulAiWi = TotalmulAiWi + CInt(Mid(Ai, i + 1, 1)) * Wi(i)
Dim modValue
modValue = TotalmulAiWi Mod 11
Dim strVerifyCode
strVerifyCode = arrVerifyCode(modValue)
Ai = Ai & strVerifyCode
CheckCardId = Ai
If Len(e) = 18 And e <> Ai Then
CheckCardId= "身份证号码输入错误!"
Exit Function
End If
End Function
response.write CheckCardId("528337194801020025") '''''''''这个不知是谁的身份证,我一试就出来了~~~~~~~~~哈哈
无为清净楼资源网 Design By www.qnjia.com
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