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Main features

Packing all files into one compact file
Produces EXE file with integrated full-featured HTTP/1.1 WEB server that is ASP-compatible
Easy redistribution of your WEB application
Execution of the ASP pages
Redistribution of MDB files and ODBC data sources
Redistribution and setup of other databases as ODBC data sources
Redistribute your ActiveX servers with the application
Object model compatible with IIS
Multithreaded operations
Ability to upload data
Active Debugging using Windows Script Debugger or Visual InterDev
Batch compilation
Serve arbitrary WEB files


Put Dynamic-CD on a CD or DVD to show interactive web pages to your customers.  
Store a database on a CD and use Dynamic-CD to query the database and generate HTML pages.  
Use Dynamic-CD to encrypt and password-protect your copyright or secure data.  
Dynamic-CD is an Internet server that runs directly from a CD with no inconvenient installation.  
  Dynamic-CD supports ASP-style scripts written in VBScript.  
Use Dynamic-CD-Wizard to build a CD image.

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无为清净楼资源网 Design By www.qnjia.com

RTX 5090要首发 性能要翻倍!三星展示GDDR7显存


首次推出的GDDR7内存模块密度为16GB,每个模块容量为2GB。其速度预设为32 Gbps(PAM3),但也可以降至28 Gbps,以提高产量和初始阶段的整体性能和成本效益。
