无为清净楼资源网 Design By www.qnjia.com
* JavaScript Virtual Keyboard (ATM-style numpad variant), version 2.3
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dmitriy Khudorozhkov
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty.
* In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the
* use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* - Dmitriy Khudorozhkov, kh_dmitry2001@mail.ru
function VATMpad(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size,
font_color, bg_color, key_color, border_color,
show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color,
click_border_color, do_embed)
return this._construct(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size,
font_color, bg_color, key_color, border_color,
show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color,
click_border_color, do_embed);
VATMpad.prototype = {
kbArray: [],
_setup_event: function(elem, eventType, handler)
return (elem.attachEvent ? elem.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler) : ((elem.addEventListener) ? elem.addEventListener(eventType, handler, false) : null));
_start_flash: function(in_el)
function getColor(str, posOne, posTwo)
if(/rgb\((\d+),\s(\d+),\s(\d+)\)/.exec(str)) // try to detect Mozilla-style rgb value.
case 1: return parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10);
case 2: return parseInt(RegExp.$2, 10);
case 3: return parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10);
default: return 0;
else // standard (#xxxxxx or #xxx) way
return str.length == 4 ? parseInt(str.substr(posOne, 1) + str.substr(posOne, 1), 16) : parseInt(str.substr(posTwo, 2), 16);
function getR(color_string)
{ return getColor(color_string, 1, 1); }
function getG(color_string)
{ return getColor(color_string, 2, 3); }
function getB(color_string)
{ return getColor(color_string, 3, 5); }
var el = in_el.time ? in_el : (in_el.company && in_el.company.time ? in_el.company : null);
el.time = 0;
var vkb = this;
var ftc = vkb.fontcolor, bgc = vkb.keycolor, brc = vkb.bordercolor;
// Special fixes for simple/dead/modifier keys:
ftc = vkb.deadcolor;
if(((in_el.innerHTML == "Shift") && vkb.Shift) || ((in_el.innerHTML == "Caps") && vkb.Caps) || ((in_el.innerHTML == "AltGr") && vkb.AltGr))
bgc = vkb.lic;
// Extract base color values:
var fr = getR(ftc), fg = getG(ftc), fb = getB(ftc);
var kr = getR(bgc), kg = getG(bgc), kb = getB(bgc);
var br = getR(brc), bg = getG(brc), bb = getB(brc);
// Extract flash color values:
var f_r = getR(vkb.cfc), f_g = getG(vkb.cfc), f_b = getB(vkb.cfc);
var k_r = getR(vkb.cbg), k_g = getG(vkb.cbg), k_b = getB(vkb.cbg);
var b_r = getR(vkb.cbr), b_g = getG(vkb.cbr), b_b = getB(vkb.cbr);
var _shift_colors = function()
function dec2hex(dec)
var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
var a = dec % 16;
var b = (dec - a) / 16;
return hexChars.charAt(b) + hexChars.charAt(a) + "";
in_el.time = !in_el.time ? 10 : (in_el.time - 1);
function calc_color(start, end)
{ return (end - (in_el.time / 10) * (end - start)); }
var t_f_r = calc_color(f_r, fr), t_f_g = calc_color(f_g, fg), t_f_b = calc_color(f_b, fb);
var t_k_r = calc_color(k_r, kr), t_k_g = calc_color(k_g, kg), t_k_b = calc_color(k_b, kb);
var t_b_r = calc_color(b_r, br), t_b_g = calc_color(b_g, bg), t_b_b = calc_color(b_b, bb);
in_el.style.color = "#" + dec2hex(t_f_r) + dec2hex(t_f_g) + dec2hex(t_f_b);
in_el.style.borderColor = "#" + dec2hex(t_b_r) + dec2hex(t_b_g) + dec2hex(t_b_b);
in_el.style.backgroundColor = "#" + dec2hex(t_k_r) + dec2hex(t_k_g) + dec2hex(t_k_b);
in_el.timer = window.setInterval(_shift_colors, 50);
_setup_style: function(obj, top, left, width, height, position, border_color, bg_color, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right)
var os = obj.style;
if(top) os.top = top;
if(left) os.left = left;
if(width) os.width = width;
if(height) os.height = height;
if(position) os.position = position;
if(border_color) os.border = "1px solid " + border_color;
if(bg_color) os.backgroundColor = bg_color;
os.textAlign = "center";
if(line_height) os.lineHeight = line_height;
if(font_size) os.fontSize = font_size;
os.fontWeight = font_weight || "bold";
if(padding_left) os.paddingLeft = padding_left;
if(padding_right) os.paddingRight = padding_right;
_setup_key: function(parent, id, top, left, width, height, border_color, bg_color, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right)
var _id = this.Cntr.id + id;
var exists = document.getElementById(_id);
var key = exists ? exists.parentNode : document.createElement("DIV");
this._setup_style(key, top, left, width, height, "absolute");
var key_sub = exists || document.createElement("DIV");
key.appendChild(key_sub); parent.appendChild(key);
this._setup_style(key_sub, "", "", "", line_height, "relative", border_color, bg_color, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right);
key_sub.id = _id;
if(!exists) this._setup_event(key_sub, 'mousedown', this._generic_callback_proc);
return key_sub;
_findX: function(obj)
{ return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetLeft) : 0; },
_findY: function(obj)
{ return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetTop) : 0; },
_findW: function(obj)
{ return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetWidth) : 0; },
_findH: function(obj)
{ return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetHeight) : 0; },
_construct: function(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size, font_color, bg_color, key_color,
border_color, show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color, click_border_color, do_embed)
var exists = (this.Cntr != undefined), ct = exists ? this.Cntr : document.getElementById(container_id);
var changed = (font_size && (font_size != this.fontsize));
this._Callback = ((typeof(callback_ref) == "function") && ((callback_ref.length == 1) || (callback_ref.length == 2))) ? callback_ref : (this._Callback || null);
var ff = font_name || this.fontname || "";
var fs = font_size || this.fontsize || "14px";
var fc = font_color || this.fontcolor || "#000";
var bg = bg_color || this.bgcolor || "#FFF";
var kc = key_color || this.keycolor || "#FFF";
var bc = border_color || this.bordercolor || "#777";
this.cfc = click_font_color || this.cfc || "#CC3300";
this.cbg = click_bg_color || this.cbg || "#FF9966";
this.cbr = click_border_color || this.cbr || "#CC3300";
this.sc = (show_click == undefined) ? ((this.sc == undefined) ? false : this.sc) : show_click;
this.fontname = ff, this.fontsize = fs, this.fontcolor = fc;
this.bgcolor = bg, this.keycolor = kc, this.bordercolor = bc;
this.Cntr = ct, this.LastKey = null;
VATMpad.prototype.kbArray[container_id] = this;
var kb = exists ? ct.childNodes[0] : document.createElement("DIV");
ct.style.display = "block";
ct.style.zIndex = 999;
ct.style.position = "relative";
ct.style.position = "absolute";
// Many thanks to Peter-Paul Koch (www.quirksmode.org) for the find-pos-X/find-pos-Y code.
var initX = 0, ct_ = ct;
initX += ct_.offsetLeft;
ct_ = ct_.offsetParent;
else if(ct_.x)
initX += ct_.x;
var initY = 0; ct_ = ct;
initY += ct_.offsetTop;
ct_ = ct_.offsetParent;
else if(ct_.y)
initY += ct_.y;
ct.style.top = initY + "px", ct.style.left = initX +"px";
kb.style.position = "relative";
kb.style.top = "0px", kb.style.left = "0px";
kb.style.border = "1px solid " + bc;
var kb_main = exists ? kb.childNodes[0] : document.createElement("DIV"), ks = kb_main.style;
ks.position = "relative";
ks.width = "1px";
ks.cursor = "default";
// Disable content selection:
this._setup_event(kb_main, "selectstart", function(event) { return false; });
this._setup_event(kb_main, "mousedown", function(event) { if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); return false; });
ks.fontFamily = ff, ks.backgroundColor = bg;
if(!exists || changed)
ks.width = this._create_numpad(container_id, kb_main);
ks.height = (this._findY(this.LastKey) + this._findH(this.LastKey) + 1) + "px";
return this;
_create_numpad: function(container_id, parent)
var c = "center", n = "normal";
var fs = this.fontsize, kc = this.keycolor, bc = this.bordercolor;
var mag = parseFloat(fs) / 14.0, cell = Math.floor(25.0 * mag);
var cp = String(cell) + "px", lh = String(Math.floor(cell - 2.0)) + "px";
var edge = "1px";
var kb_pad_7 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_7", "1px", edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_7.innerHTML = "7";
var edge_1 = String(this._findX(kb_pad_7) + this._findW(kb_pad_7) + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_8 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_8", "1px", edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_8.innerHTML = "8";
var edge_2 = String(this._findX(kb_pad_8) + this._findW(kb_pad_8) + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_9 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_9", "1px", edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_9.innerHTML = "9";
var prevH = this._findH(kb_pad_9), edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_9) + prevH + 1) + "px";
edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_7) + prevH + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_4 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_4", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_4.innerHTML = "4";
var kb_pad_5 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_5", edge_Y, edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_5.innerHTML = "5";
var kb_pad_6 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_6", edge_Y, edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_6.innerHTML = "6";
edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_4) + prevH + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_1 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_1", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_1.innerHTML = "1";
var kb_pad_2 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_2", edge_Y, edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_2.innerHTML = "2";
var kb_pad_3 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_3", edge_Y, edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_3.innerHTML = "3";
edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_1) + prevH + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_0 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_0", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_0.innerHTML = "0";
var kb_pad_enter = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_period", edge_Y, edge_1, String(2 * cell + 1) + "px", cp, bc, kc, lh, parseFloat(fs) * 0.9, n);
kb_pad_enter.innerHTML = "Enter";
this.LastKey = kb_pad_enter;
return String(this._findX(kb_pad_9) + this._findW(kb_pad_9) + 1) + "px";
_generic_callback_proc: function(event)
var e = event || window.event;
var in_el = e.srcElement || e.target;
var container_id = in_el.id.substring(0, in_el.id.indexOf("___"));
var vpad = VATMpad.prototype.kbArray[container_id];
if(vpad.sc) vpad._start_flash(in_el);
if(vpad._Callback) vpad._Callback(in_el.innerHTML, vpad.Cntr.id);
SetParameters: function()
var l = arguments.length;
if(!l || (l % 2 != 0)) return false;
var p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10;
while(--l > 0)
var value = arguments[l];
switch(arguments[l - 1])
case "callback":
p0 = ((typeof(value) == "function") && ((value.length == 1) || (value.length == 2))) ? value : this._Callback;
case "font-name": p1 = value; break;
case "font-size": p2 = value; break;
case "font-color": p3 = value; break;
case "base-color": p4 = value; break;
case "key-color": p5 = value; break;
case "border-color": p6 = value; break;
case "show-click": p7 = value; break;
case "click-font-color": p8 = value; break;
case "click-key-color": p9 = value; break;
case "click-border-color": p10 = value; break;
default: break;
l -= 1;
this._construct(this.Cntr.id, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10);
return true;
Show: function(value)
var ct = this.Cntr.style;
ct.display = ((value == undefined) || (value == true)) ? "block" : ((value == false) ? "none" : ct.display);
* JavaScript Virtual Keyboard (ATM-style numpad variant), version 2.3
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dmitriy Khudorozhkov
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty.
* In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the
* use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* - Dmitriy Khudorozhkov, kh_dmitry2001@mail.ru
function VATMpad(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size,
font_color, bg_color, key_color, border_color,
show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color,
click_border_color, do_embed)
return this._construct(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size,
font_color, bg_color, key_color, border_color,
show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color,
click_border_color, do_embed);
VATMpad.prototype = {
kbArray: [],
_setup_event: function(elem, eventType, handler)
return (elem.attachEvent ? elem.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler) : ((elem.addEventListener) ? elem.addEventListener(eventType, handler, false) : null));
_start_flash: function(in_el)
function getColor(str, posOne, posTwo)
if(/rgb\((\d+),\s(\d+),\s(\d+)\)/.exec(str)) // try to detect Mozilla-style rgb value.
case 1: return parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10);
case 2: return parseInt(RegExp.$2, 10);
case 3: return parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10);
default: return 0;
else // standard (#xxxxxx or #xxx) way
return str.length == 4 ? parseInt(str.substr(posOne, 1) + str.substr(posOne, 1), 16) : parseInt(str.substr(posTwo, 2), 16);
function getR(color_string)
{ return getColor(color_string, 1, 1); }
function getG(color_string)
{ return getColor(color_string, 2, 3); }
function getB(color_string)
{ return getColor(color_string, 3, 5); }
var el = in_el.time ? in_el : (in_el.company && in_el.company.time ? in_el.company : null);
el.time = 0;
var vkb = this;
var ftc = vkb.fontcolor, bgc = vkb.keycolor, brc = vkb.bordercolor;
// Special fixes for simple/dead/modifier keys:
ftc = vkb.deadcolor;
if(((in_el.innerHTML == "Shift") && vkb.Shift) || ((in_el.innerHTML == "Caps") && vkb.Caps) || ((in_el.innerHTML == "AltGr") && vkb.AltGr))
bgc = vkb.lic;
// Extract base color values:
var fr = getR(ftc), fg = getG(ftc), fb = getB(ftc);
var kr = getR(bgc), kg = getG(bgc), kb = getB(bgc);
var br = getR(brc), bg = getG(brc), bb = getB(brc);
// Extract flash color values:
var f_r = getR(vkb.cfc), f_g = getG(vkb.cfc), f_b = getB(vkb.cfc);
var k_r = getR(vkb.cbg), k_g = getG(vkb.cbg), k_b = getB(vkb.cbg);
var b_r = getR(vkb.cbr), b_g = getG(vkb.cbr), b_b = getB(vkb.cbr);
var _shift_colors = function()
function dec2hex(dec)
var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
var a = dec % 16;
var b = (dec - a) / 16;
return hexChars.charAt(b) + hexChars.charAt(a) + "";
in_el.time = !in_el.time ? 10 : (in_el.time - 1);
function calc_color(start, end)
{ return (end - (in_el.time / 10) * (end - start)); }
var t_f_r = calc_color(f_r, fr), t_f_g = calc_color(f_g, fg), t_f_b = calc_color(f_b, fb);
var t_k_r = calc_color(k_r, kr), t_k_g = calc_color(k_g, kg), t_k_b = calc_color(k_b, kb);
var t_b_r = calc_color(b_r, br), t_b_g = calc_color(b_g, bg), t_b_b = calc_color(b_b, bb);
in_el.style.color = "#" + dec2hex(t_f_r) + dec2hex(t_f_g) + dec2hex(t_f_b);
in_el.style.borderColor = "#" + dec2hex(t_b_r) + dec2hex(t_b_g) + dec2hex(t_b_b);
in_el.style.backgroundColor = "#" + dec2hex(t_k_r) + dec2hex(t_k_g) + dec2hex(t_k_b);
in_el.timer = window.setInterval(_shift_colors, 50);
_setup_style: function(obj, top, left, width, height, position, border_color, bg_color, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right)
var os = obj.style;
if(top) os.top = top;
if(left) os.left = left;
if(width) os.width = width;
if(height) os.height = height;
if(position) os.position = position;
if(border_color) os.border = "1px solid " + border_color;
if(bg_color) os.backgroundColor = bg_color;
os.textAlign = "center";
if(line_height) os.lineHeight = line_height;
if(font_size) os.fontSize = font_size;
os.fontWeight = font_weight || "bold";
if(padding_left) os.paddingLeft = padding_left;
if(padding_right) os.paddingRight = padding_right;
_setup_key: function(parent, id, top, left, width, height, border_color, bg_color, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right)
var _id = this.Cntr.id + id;
var exists = document.getElementById(_id);
var key = exists ? exists.parentNode : document.createElement("DIV");
this._setup_style(key, top, left, width, height, "absolute");
var key_sub = exists || document.createElement("DIV");
key.appendChild(key_sub); parent.appendChild(key);
this._setup_style(key_sub, "", "", "", line_height, "relative", border_color, bg_color, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right);
key_sub.id = _id;
if(!exists) this._setup_event(key_sub, 'mousedown', this._generic_callback_proc);
return key_sub;
_findX: function(obj)
{ return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetLeft) : 0; },
_findY: function(obj)
{ return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetTop) : 0; },
_findW: function(obj)
{ return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetWidth) : 0; },
_findH: function(obj)
{ return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetHeight) : 0; },
_construct: function(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size, font_color, bg_color, key_color,
border_color, show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color, click_border_color, do_embed)
var exists = (this.Cntr != undefined), ct = exists ? this.Cntr : document.getElementById(container_id);
var changed = (font_size && (font_size != this.fontsize));
this._Callback = ((typeof(callback_ref) == "function") && ((callback_ref.length == 1) || (callback_ref.length == 2))) ? callback_ref : (this._Callback || null);
var ff = font_name || this.fontname || "";
var fs = font_size || this.fontsize || "14px";
var fc = font_color || this.fontcolor || "#000";
var bg = bg_color || this.bgcolor || "#FFF";
var kc = key_color || this.keycolor || "#FFF";
var bc = border_color || this.bordercolor || "#777";
this.cfc = click_font_color || this.cfc || "#CC3300";
this.cbg = click_bg_color || this.cbg || "#FF9966";
this.cbr = click_border_color || this.cbr || "#CC3300";
this.sc = (show_click == undefined) ? ((this.sc == undefined) ? false : this.sc) : show_click;
this.fontname = ff, this.fontsize = fs, this.fontcolor = fc;
this.bgcolor = bg, this.keycolor = kc, this.bordercolor = bc;
this.Cntr = ct, this.LastKey = null;
VATMpad.prototype.kbArray[container_id] = this;
var kb = exists ? ct.childNodes[0] : document.createElement("DIV");
ct.style.display = "block";
ct.style.zIndex = 999;
ct.style.position = "relative";
ct.style.position = "absolute";
// Many thanks to Peter-Paul Koch (www.quirksmode.org) for the find-pos-X/find-pos-Y code.
var initX = 0, ct_ = ct;
initX += ct_.offsetLeft;
ct_ = ct_.offsetParent;
else if(ct_.x)
initX += ct_.x;
var initY = 0; ct_ = ct;
initY += ct_.offsetTop;
ct_ = ct_.offsetParent;
else if(ct_.y)
initY += ct_.y;
ct.style.top = initY + "px", ct.style.left = initX +"px";
kb.style.position = "relative";
kb.style.top = "0px", kb.style.left = "0px";
kb.style.border = "1px solid " + bc;
var kb_main = exists ? kb.childNodes[0] : document.createElement("DIV"), ks = kb_main.style;
ks.position = "relative";
ks.width = "1px";
ks.cursor = "default";
// Disable content selection:
this._setup_event(kb_main, "selectstart", function(event) { return false; });
this._setup_event(kb_main, "mousedown", function(event) { if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); return false; });
ks.fontFamily = ff, ks.backgroundColor = bg;
if(!exists || changed)
ks.width = this._create_numpad(container_id, kb_main);
ks.height = (this._findY(this.LastKey) + this._findH(this.LastKey) + 1) + "px";
return this;
_create_numpad: function(container_id, parent)
var c = "center", n = "normal";
var fs = this.fontsize, kc = this.keycolor, bc = this.bordercolor;
var mag = parseFloat(fs) / 14.0, cell = Math.floor(25.0 * mag);
var cp = String(cell) + "px", lh = String(Math.floor(cell - 2.0)) + "px";
var edge = "1px";
var kb_pad_7 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_7", "1px", edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_7.innerHTML = "7";
var edge_1 = String(this._findX(kb_pad_7) + this._findW(kb_pad_7) + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_8 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_8", "1px", edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_8.innerHTML = "8";
var edge_2 = String(this._findX(kb_pad_8) + this._findW(kb_pad_8) + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_9 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_9", "1px", edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_9.innerHTML = "9";
var prevH = this._findH(kb_pad_9), edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_9) + prevH + 1) + "px";
edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_7) + prevH + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_4 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_4", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_4.innerHTML = "4";
var kb_pad_5 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_5", edge_Y, edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_5.innerHTML = "5";
var kb_pad_6 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_6", edge_Y, edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_6.innerHTML = "6";
edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_4) + prevH + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_1 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_1", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_1.innerHTML = "1";
var kb_pad_2 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_2", edge_Y, edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_2.innerHTML = "2";
var kb_pad_3 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_3", edge_Y, edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_3.innerHTML = "3";
edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_1) + prevH + 1) + "px";
var kb_pad_0 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_0", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, lh, fs);
kb_pad_0.innerHTML = "0";
var kb_pad_enter = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_period", edge_Y, edge_1, String(2 * cell + 1) + "px", cp, bc, kc, lh, parseFloat(fs) * 0.9, n);
kb_pad_enter.innerHTML = "Enter";
this.LastKey = kb_pad_enter;
return String(this._findX(kb_pad_9) + this._findW(kb_pad_9) + 1) + "px";
_generic_callback_proc: function(event)
var e = event || window.event;
var in_el = e.srcElement || e.target;
var container_id = in_el.id.substring(0, in_el.id.indexOf("___"));
var vpad = VATMpad.prototype.kbArray[container_id];
if(vpad.sc) vpad._start_flash(in_el);
if(vpad._Callback) vpad._Callback(in_el.innerHTML, vpad.Cntr.id);
SetParameters: function()
var l = arguments.length;
if(!l || (l % 2 != 0)) return false;
var p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10;
while(--l > 0)
var value = arguments[l];
switch(arguments[l - 1])
case "callback":
p0 = ((typeof(value) == "function") && ((value.length == 1) || (value.length == 2))) ? value : this._Callback;
case "font-name": p1 = value; break;
case "font-size": p2 = value; break;
case "font-color": p3 = value; break;
case "base-color": p4 = value; break;
case "key-color": p5 = value; break;
case "border-color": p6 = value; break;
case "show-click": p7 = value; break;
case "click-font-color": p8 = value; break;
case "click-key-color": p9 = value; break;
case "click-border-color": p10 = value; break;
default: break;
l -= 1;
this._construct(this.Cntr.id, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10);
return true;
Show: function(value)
var ct = this.Cntr.style;
ct.display = ((value == undefined) || (value == true)) ? "block" : ((value == false) ? "none" : ct.display);
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